Thursday, May 10, 2012


I came across MAATOUK COFFEE this weekend while I was shopping at an International Market. MAATOUK is a wonderful coffee company. They sell coffee that is wonderful through and through. They make Gourmet blends with some Caribbean and make a great original blend. 
      What is most fascinating about this company isn't the way they make the coffee, the great business that they have, or even the thousands of people who drink their coffee each day. For what is most fascinating about this company is the resilience that they have. This company has gone through many struggles and trials. 
       This is their story. In 1960, Mahmoud Maatouk originally established the Maison du Cafe roastery in Beirut. This roastery blossomed into a succession of gourmet establishments. When the civil war erupted in Lebanon it destroyed many businesses. At that time the Maatouk family moved to the UK and produced Lebanese coffee blends there. 
       Then, the political chaos in Lebanon forced the Maatouk's to expand to Dusseldorf, Germany. This business prospered for many of years, but they still longed for their home country of Lebanon. 
    In the early 1990's they abondoned this business and set forth for their homeland. They re-founded a coffee factory in Dohat al Hoss. This became the Maatouk revival where there was a fusion of taste, culture, and revival coming all together. This company got so big that in 2001 a state-of-the-art coffee factory opened in Bchamoun, Lebanon in a great industrial area. 
    They reopened their original doors in 2003 and the story just gets bigger and brighter from there. 
    The Maatouk's are certainly the resilient ones.

Enjoy your coffee for all it's worth.
Check out

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